Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Welp, Ikacuson is over and I'll say that I had an alright time. Most of the things that were wrong with it were my own emotional hiccups but even with those it was still really fun.

I love being at the Grand Wayne Center. That place is my home now four days out of the year and it's always so nice. They could get some new music stations other than elevator music and... elevator music.

It's always nice seeing all the people who dress up and even the ones who don't. I'm just happy to be in a nerd fair where I feel welcome.

Artists alley was full. Not one table was empty. Which is really unusual. We met lots of great people. Our neighbors were really nice and I can't wait to meet the Toon Twins down in San Japan again. Overall a nice community of artists around us.

It's really hard to talk about this when it happened almost two weeks ago. If you wanna read more, please visit my Deviant Art Journal: Here

Our next convention is going to be down in Texas but we won't be selling.

After that is KokomoCon down in Kokomo, IN. I'm excited for that one.

Cya 'round,

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